What to do with Garlic

You can peal garlic cloves and dry them, once dry run them through a coffee grinder, have Garlic powder.  Store in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid, out of the sunlight.  It will keep like this for around 3 years.  To make and store for long term use, follow the above instructions, then place the powder in clean used chip bags or purchased Mylar bags, thrown in a hand or foot warmer and seal with a house hold iron or curling iron, or even a hair straightener.  It will keep like this for almost ever or 20 years, which ever comes first.


When you buy clove garlic which is the cheapest best way to buy garlic, always set aside one little clove, plant this in a small pot or in the ground, in a few days it will start to grow and you are on your way to never buying garlic again.  Garlic is a very easy plant to grow and it has a ton of uses.


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