Taos woman's Moccasins
Toas #2080 Brown
These are great boot style moccasins, with a soft crepe sole.
The greatest feature of this pair is the sleek zipper up closure makes wearing these easy and fun.
Shipping is on us in the U.S. So order today and save!
Updated March 03,2009
In 2080 style Black-soft sole -zip up the back ,5,(2)5 1/2 , 6 1/2, 9 ,9 1/2,10 59.00
In 2052 in Brown soft sole ,ties up front---- 59.00 Size 4, 5 , 5 1/2, 6 , 9, 10
In 3000 Black soft sole- 59.00 size 4, 5, 6, 6 1/2,7, 9, 9 1/2
In 738 in acorn color, hard sole. .Indian picture on sole 4 and 10---69.95
Deer skin moccasins -Mocha-705- size 5,6,9,10 72.95
Deer skin moccasins -Natural -705 size-4,6,10 72.95
707-white soft sole-cow- 59.00 sizes 5,6,7 1/2,(2)9,(3)10
707 soft sole champagne colored 59.00 sizes 4, 5, 5 1/2, 6, 9, 10
705 brown soft sole cow- 59.00 sizes 5, 6, 7, 8,9,10
1211 white soft sole- 89.95 sizes 4,7,10
718 soft sole acorn color -69.95 sizes 4, 5,5 1/2,6, 6/1/2, 91/2
725 white hard sole 89.95 sizes 4, 5 1/2, 7, 7 1/2
454 brown soft sole with lamb skin inside slipper style 72.95 sizes 5, 9
708 beige soft sole elk skin 72.95 sizes 4,5,8,10
2052 crepe sole black 59.00 sizes 4,4 1/2,(2) 5 1/2, (2) 6,(2)10
2052 crepe sole brown 59.00 sizes 5, (2) 6 1/2, (2) 10
705 black soft sole 59.00 sizes 4, 4 1/2
2068 tie dye soft sole 69.95 sizes 4, 6, (2) 10
4084 Black soft sole 62.00 sizes 5,6
2080 white soft sole 69.00 sizes 4 1/2, 5, 5 1/2, 6,8 1/2, 9, 10
369 brown soft sole 69.00 sizes (2)5,(2)6,6 1/2, 10
2080 crepe sole brown 72.00 sizes 4, 5, 5 1/2, 6,6 1/2
2084 soft sole black 72.00 sizes 9, 10
2052 soft sole black 59.00 sizes 6, 9, 9 1/2, 10
738 white hard sole 69.95 sizes 4, 5 1/2, 8,9 1/2
The price on these is the same as the crepe soled ones listed above. I will add the cart for these shortly.
Toas #2080 Black
These black boot style moccasins feature a zipper back for ease of wear.
I have woman's size 5,6 and 8 available at this time.
Shipping in the U.S. is on the house on this item, so order today and save!
I also have a few pair of these with just a soft leather sole. I have them in the following sizes and colors.
In black I have a pair of 5 1/2, 6 ½,8,9,9 ½, and 10.
In white I have a pair of 4½,5,6,8 ½,9,10.
The price on these is the same as the crepe soled ones listed above. I will add the cart for these shortly.
If not paying with Pay Pal please email your order to Shekhinah or Michael at: raziel133@yahoo.com